The Job of a Toddler part three
Getting what they want
Toddlers are experts at trying to get what they want.
While I have never agreed with the term "terrible two's", I fully agree with the term "tenacious three's" but have also met many tenacious two's and even one's.
One of the most important lessons learned during the toddler years is "how to get what I want". Toddlers will try many tactics to get what they want and the lessons they learn all depend on how parents and caregivers respond to the tactics used.
I just spent time with a very tired three year old who didn't want to sleep. I know this child well and know that a skipped nap could end in a very unpleasant evening for her family. She employed all the typical moves, she got up and used the bathroom twice, she argued that she wasn't tired, that she was hungry and thirsty, that her clothes hurt, and on and on. I continued to assure her that she would be ok if she waited for after nap snack because she had JUST eaten a big lunch, that her clothes were bothering her because she was tired and on and on. While it can be very frustrating watching her fight sleep, I know that she needs a nap and she needs me to allow her to test and not give in.
Keeping a calm demeanor while dealing with a testing toddler is not easy but is very important. If possible, tag team with one parent or caregiver switching with another when needed. This sends the message that everyone is on the same page and models cooperative behavior.
Don't ever hesitate to say "I'm feeling frustrated right now and need to take a break, I'll be back in a few minutes to help you some more". Then go into another room and do whatever works for you to remain or regain your calm. By doing so you let them know that you are not going to give up just because you are frustrated and also show that it is ok to be frustrated and to take a minute when needed.
Many toddlers will at some point try the tantrum method of getting what they want. I know that there is a lot of conflicting advice out there about tantrums and I always say to go with what feels right for you and works for your family. My advice is to acknowledge how they are feeling, restate why they can't get what they want and go on with your day. Remember, they can't always get what they want and they have the right to be upset about that.
Here we see my granddaughter showing my entire extended family at a Christmas party how upset she was that she couldn't have what she wanted.